Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday 10/26/06

Thirteen things that make me laugh

1) Most Jokes
2) Comedies on Stage or Screen
3) Adam & Noah repeating comedy monologues
4) Satire
5) Blonde Moments
6) Paisley getting the giggles
7) Making fun of myself
8) People watching
9) Clumsiness
10) A small child’s belly laugh
11) Amusing people
12) Silly mistakes
13) Most of my friends


Kim Herring said...

And you my friend make me laugh! Laughter is great for the immune system and I'm so thankful that I find life to be so humorous.

jessithompson said...

Thank God we can laugh at ourselves AND our blonde moments! "Why do they have the Statue of Liberty here?" :)

Nat said...

My newest laughable moment? When I was thinking of a "Thursday Thirteen" for today, my daughter suggested your topic! I didn't use it, because I'm so tired today, I don't think my mouth will laugh. Good to learn about what makes you happy.