Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday 10/19/2006

13 Things I Love about Vacations

1) Quality time with family & friends
2) Freedom from routine schedules
3) No television or phones
4) Eating different foods
5) Laying in the sun
6) Change of scenery
7) Finding new workout routes
8) Having time to relax
9) Sleeping in
10) Having time to read
11) Not being a slave to the clock
12) People watching
13) Laughing more


Anonymous said...

It is Thursday morning (0920 Central time to be exact) and your list is already posted - you are up WAY too early if you're vacationing.

Hope you're enjoying paradise. Thinking about you guys - looking forward to following the race on Saturday. Josh

Kim Herring said...

How were the hairy fruit? Do you actually sleep in? lol - thank you for sharing your pictures and thursday thirteen

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi! What a fun Thursday Thirteen List! Many of my favorite vacations have been in Hawaii (my parents lived there) and the change of routine and culture are wonderful! I also love the change in smells. When you get off the plane and hit the outside airport you can take in the fragerance of plumeria trees! Enjoy every's 45 degrees in Spokane and a bit cold and rainy. Yet the cascade of colored fall leaves is glorious. Hugs and loves to all of your crew. Give Rog a special cheer on Saturday for all the folks back home! Love, Linda