Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday Starbucks Swim 10-29-06

Today was one of my favorite Starbucks swims! Maybe it was because my Frontal Right brain loves change or maybe because I learned some techniques to improve my swim.

Today we met at the New Starbuck’s at Wandermere. We had a small group today, Kevin, me, Roger, Jessi and Natalie. We were enjoying our coffee and conversation as we watched it raining outside and were thankful that for the first time of the season our swim was going to be inside.

Because we live in a region with 4 distinct seasons, to train for Triathlon year round requires lots of changes of venues and clothing. Two weeks ago we were braving the freezing waters of Medical Lake and last week we were doing our Starbucks swim in the beautiful tropical waters of Hawaii and now this week, with rain and 34 degree temperatures our traditional Sunday morning Starbuck’s swim moved inside where we took over the 24 hour Fitness pool.

Kevin and I had to run home to get his Polar Watch after Starbucks so we were the last ones to arrive at 24 hour Fitness. By the time Kevin and I checked in at the desk, the guy working the desk says: “o.k. I have to ask, what is with all these cool jackets?” I immediately spin around so he can see the back Logo and Kevin tells him it is a new Triathlon Club that is launching Nov. 8th!! And he says wow, that sounds really great and we are like Ya it is!

We had 2 lanes to ourselves and all jumped in and started our workouts. The pool temperature was perfect. We did our warm ups, our drills, our base sets and then it started. I saw Jessi ask Roger one question and all of the sudden the next hour was filled with incredible instruction.

We were all excited and were lining up anxiously to have Roger watch us swim and give us a constructive critique. It was awesome, and another reminder to me of how cool it is going to be when our club Tri-Fusion gets launched and we have all these group activities. We will not only be blessed having the fellowship of others who love Triathlon but the benefit of having others with much more experience than ourselves willing to offering instruction, helpful training tips and valuable wisdom.

Thank you Roger, that instruction was the highlight of my Starbucks swim today!!!!!!!!!


Kim Herring said...

You all look awesome in those jackets - I can't wait to wear mine with the group.

jessithompson said...

This was a great swim... the conversation was great, but I also was so glad for the help in the pool. XOXO Fun to share it with my fellow "red caps" ;)

Anonymous said...

WHAT!! OUTSIDE?!?! That isn't the Kathi I know... lunging in the back yard in below freezing weather - in a t-shirt. You know if I were there I'd taunt you so badly you would've altered your plans to make it an outdoor swim. Love, Your Crazy Lunge Partner (its me silly, josh)

Anonymous said...

You guys have a good thing going --glad to hear the celebration and feel the constructive and joyful energy. Rock on!

Nat said...

I loved our chat time on this morning. Team building over a warm cup of joe is so important! I can't wait until more members meet with us.

On another note, I'll share Greg, but for a very large fee. I'm saving for my Audi!!

I look forward to sipping coffee and swimming with you this Sunday, Kathi.
