Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Starbuck's swim 11/12/2006

On Sunday I racked up 2 1/2 hours of swimming time. Roger, Jessi, Kevin, Jennifer and I swam for1 1/2 hours at our Starbuck's swim. Then Jessi and I swam for another hour at a triathlete stroke improvement class at Whitworth College.

Jessi and I paid $50 to take a 6 week class, taught by the Whitworth College Assistant Swim Team Coach, designed to help triathletes improve their swim technique. The first week we were excited with anticipation of what we would learn and by the end of class we had our confidence boosted big time by realizing how much we already knew and recognizing that we were definitely the 2 best swimmers in the class. Wow, it is totally amazing to hear myself say that after a very long 2 year journey with a myriad of challenges to overcome with my swimming and underwater issues!
After the second week we were disenchanted with our Whitworth class and we both realized that we were not going to gain much of anything new from this class.
We both admitted that we had learned so much more from Roger, in regards to stroke improvement at our Starbuck's Swim in the morning than we did from our triathlete class we paid for. Once again this make me realize one of the significant benefits of being in a Club like Tri-Fusion with World Ranked Athletes who are so willing to share what they know with other Club Members.
Some of my favorite highlights of this past Sunday’s Starbuck's Swim were definitely the fellowship and coffee at Starbucks before the swim. Roger’s positive critique and personal swim technique instruction for each of us. Jessi taking pictures of us swimming, it was awesome to see what we actually looked like, since it is a little hard to see yourself in action when you are swimming, and also seeing Kevin really get into learning how to analyze effective and not so effective swim technique in everyone’s strokes with Roger. I learned a lot today and the pictures were a great visual learning tool for me.


Kim Herring said...

I regret that your class isn't more beneficial but very excited for you that your Sunday swims have been so educational. Not just a great workout but also a good time for learning.

See you at the gym!

Anonymous said...

sorry we missed it. . . . late night the night before. . .

Anonymous said...

It was a treat... all of it. And yes, it makes me grateful to have such an amazing resource in Roger who is so happy and willing to share his knowledge and resources. I love swimming with you GG....

Roger Thompson said...

I just like being in the water with hott (notice the two ts) women and their buff bodies. Heck, I have no clue what I'm doing. I just say stuff so that you keep swimming. :) Thanks for the time you are willing to dedicate to this wonderful lifestyle. It sure is a lot of fun to share.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time participating in my first Starbuck's Swim! I was so happy to be included, even though I am not officially a Tri-fusion club member (yet). The instruction was great and so was the company! I will look forward to more of these gatherings this winter...even if it means time away from my Endless Pool...if we EVER finish it that is. Actually, we could have the swim at my house if we wanted to rotate.

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi- Can you just let it in and say..." I am one of the two BEST swimmers in this class!!!" Look how FAR you've come! Great determination and 'ol fashioned spunk!!! I'm really proud of you! :) Love, Linda

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi and Kevin! Today's Spokesman Review (Wed, Nov 15th) says that Ralph Baker is AHEAD by 5,000 votes!!!! Good news! I'm still praying until every last vote is counted! Love to you both! Linda
(Kathi- thanks for your comments on my blog about Bert. He's doing a little better, but his full recovery may take some time.):)