Saturday, November 04, 2006

Saturday Tri-Fusion Ride

WoW!! We had quite an action packed and eventful ride this morning! The temperature was 45 degrees and the roads were wet from rain all night and early morning, but it did not rain while we were riding. Sam started out 2 hours earlier than the rest of us at 7am and we ended up coming to his aide after he crashed on the same railroad tracks that I did several weeks ago!!!! I got a chance to take a peak at his road rash, OUCH!! But being the Italian Stallion that Sam is he met us at our starting point and continued our ride with us road rash and all, crazy but inspiring!!

Roger, Jessi, Sam, Kevin and I headed out Farwell to Market, where Sam’s friend Rick joined up with us and we all headed out Peone. There is a set of railroad tracks at the crest of a hill where I almost got taken out by a Dump Truck as it skidded sideways coming up over the hill too fast and didn’t see that 3 cars on the other side of the hill had come to a complete stop. I heard loud screeching tires and the dump truck literally started skidding sideways right into my lane, for a second I thought I was going to be hit, it definitely made my heart rate spike a bit!!

We followed Peone to Mt. Spokane and then went out to do the Greenbluff loop, here Sam split off and headed for home. I am sure Sam is going to be very sore tomorrow, sorry Sam!!

We were ½ way around the rolling hills of the Greenbluff loop and we met up with Greg, he was in the middle of a scheduled 4 hour ride, it was fun to ride with him for a while.

Eventually Jessi, Kevin and I split off from Roger and Greg, they continued on and we headed for home, Jessi decided she had, had enough of her “new” saddle and Kevin and I had a “couples massage” to get ready for. About 15 minutes from home, something didn’t sound right on my bike and I realized that my front tire was flat. So Kevin and Jessi graciously stopped with me while I changed my first “front tire flat”!! A bit more challenging in the cold weather, the rubber is not quite as easy to stretch.

While inspecting my tire I found a piece of glass in my tire, I removed the glass.

After I replaced the tube, inflated it with CO2, we were on our way. I was thankful for my blue tire changing tools, and it was good experience for my confidence.

All in all it was an awesome ride, the weather was perfect, we all stopped to take off layers. The foliage along the course was so beautiful and the cloud formations were pieces of art. A great ride, with great people, doesn’t get any better than that.


Kim Herring said...

Sounds like a good ride for you and great practice for changing a tire. Not such a great ride for Sammy! I can't wait to hear how he tells the story!

One day I too will be able to ride with the group.... just have to get a decent bike to ride.

I'm SO thankful that you did not get hit by that dump truck. Don't you wish people would be more careful?

Anonymous said...

No question about your iron(man) will and dedication to mastery, Kathi. Way to go, girl!


Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi- WOW!! Look how far you've come with all of your triathlon skills! I remember one of your earliest posrs when you were nervous about learning how to change a tire! You ROCK!!! Your perseverence is inspiring! Love, Linda

jessithompson said...

This was a great ride and another incredible memory together... I love being able to ride with you.

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi and Kevin- You both have been in my thoughts and prayers as we all wait for final election results. Did you hear the cheer when Ralph Baker got ahead by 200? I imagine that this has NOT been an easy time for you and your family! Know that SO many people care about you and are awaiting a POSITIVE outcome!!!!!! Love, Linda