Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tough Choice...........Right Choice

Making choices requires conscious thought and energy, sometimes human nature is to take the easy road, or to gravitate to the line of least resistance or to not even choose but rather just let things are 13 Choices I hope I will always spend the energy to make:

1~ Choose Authentic over False
2~ Choose Right over Wrong
3~ Choose Ethics over Convenience
4~ Choose Truth over Popularity
5~ Choose Integrity over Corruption
6~ Choose Loyalty over Betrayal
7~ Choose Priorities over Happenstance
8~ Choose Passion over Apathy
9~ Choose Prevention over Regret
10~Choose Design over Chance
11~Choose Productivity over Laziness
12~Choose Active over Inactive
13~Choose Optimism over Pessimism


jessithompson said...

Great post, GG

Jen said...

This is totally what I needed to read! Your blog is filled with encouragement...thank you!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi- I LOVE this post and shared some of the ideas in it with one of my classes. :)I especially love choosing loyalty over betrayal.
That's a value and choice you and I have in common!! Happy Birthday, coming up, to one of the most special people I know! God Bless You! Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for the Thursday Thirteen for Thrusday the 19th. I guess now tha that time has passed I am looking forward to todays post. I look forward Thursdays so I can read newest post. You and your family are very inspirational and a truely loving family. It is a honer to know you all and even more of an honer to be your friend. I eagerly await your next post.