Friday, April 06, 2007

Crash Test Dummy!

I just didn't feel like being cold so I decided to try out my New Blackburn TrakStand Ultra Trainer and do my 2 hour & 45 minute bike ride inside!

I opened the box put it together visually (that means w/o reading the directions) and it looked good to me so I hooked my bike up, and got my DVD movie ready to go.

I mounted my new Steed on my New Trainer, took about 2 revolutions of my cranks and literally came crashing down.

Adam and Paisley came running in to see what the crashing sound was only to find me on the floor still clipped into my bike! Even though I had hit my head on the desk on the way down and twisted my hip because my feet were both clipped into my pedals all we could do was laugh.

It takes some major talent to wreck on your indoor trainer :o)

Come to find out I had the back tire skewer mounted totally wrong, hmmmm a detail my Frontal Right missed on the visual assembly!

Maybe next time I will read the directions before I mount a piece of machinery that I plan to ride........probably not :o)


jessithompson said...

This is hilarious! Glad you could laugh about it, GG!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi...since I, too, do not read directions...I TOTALLY get why you do this! Glad you survived the fall and got some immune system boosting with your laughter! Love, Linda

LORIE said...


Kim Herring said...

Oh I wish I would have been there and thank you for strengthening my immune system today. I'm glad you didn't get hurt in the fall - at least not hurt too badly.

Anonymous said...

Well, girlfriend: You continued to be amazing, despite all the issues of Napa Valley (who would have thought it would not have been lovely), you are performing better and better. What a wonderful experience to watch you train HARD, being focused (leaving me by the side of the road in the car), helping the Loon-e Tunes become inspired for their first sprint triathlon as a team, and still, have time for your friends and as always, your family. We will continue to keep track of you, but especially are so excited for the CDA triathlon...your name is on our calendars in RED. Much love, Rachael, Mike and Margot