Thursday, April 05, 2007

Living Smarter

Living Smarter

The body was extraordinary and wonderfully made. It was designed not only to avoid disease but to heal itself if symptoms of illness arise. By our “lifestyle choices”, we can make its job easier or more difficult. Miracles can and do occur-but in general, if it heals, the body heals itself. If we adopt preventive health strategies we have the ability to live a very high level of wellness.

Our immune system can be one of our most valuable assets. It can take a great deal of abuse before it begins to fail to protect us- at which point we experience negative symptoms that when ignored eventually lead to “dis-ease”. The degree of illness we suffer and the severity of disease symptoms we exhibit depend upon the level of breakdown of the immune system. Dis-ease is rarely the result of one factor, rather it is the result of a complex interaction of factors, of which 40%+ of them are within our ability to control. Now that is exciting!

There are some non-modifiable factors that do have an impact on the immune system:
1) Some Birth Defects
2) Our Genetic Inheritance
3) Our Chronological Age
4) Our Race
5) Our Gender

However there are several factors that are modifiable by our choices and they do have a positive affect on our immune system, which can have a profound affect on how “well we live”. Here are 13 for you to ponder, if anyone of them inspire you, your immune system will be celebrating!!!

1) Knowledge – of health, wellness and your immune system

2) Experience – wisdom, choosing to learn and improve from
choices that lead us to experience negative effects on our health

3) Living Environment – reduce the amount energy drains you
allow in your life, ie: pollutants, nutrient void foods, toxic relationships, addictions, negative thoughts etc.

4) Psychoneuroimmunology – the mind and body connection, what
you know and believe about health has a significant affect on the level of wellness you are able to live
5) Stressors – learning your stressors and how to successfully
manage and or eliminate them

6) Exercise habits – what kind, amount and frequency works for
your life and that you need for your desired level of wellness

7) Rest habits – finding how much rest your body needs and
honoring that regularly

8) Eating Patterns – pay attention to what/when/where/how and
why you eat, eliminate foods that suppress the immune system

9) Supplements – learn about them and take them, green superfoods,
antioxidants, phytochemicals, blood cleansors, liver support, digestive support, adaptogens, EFA’s, enzymes, amino acids

10)Immune system – increase your knowledge of it, get to know
yours intimately and invest in it daily

11)Attitude – 20/80 rule applies here, a positive mental attitude can
strengthen the immune system

12)Faith & Trust in a Higher Power – studies show that prayer
enhances the function of the immune system

13)Cultivate a good sense of humor – many studies show that
laughter can strengthen the immune system

My choice for myself and my hope for you is to choose to be “proactive” regarding your health rather than “reactive”!

This powerful choice will allow you to live a “High Level Wellness Lifestyle”.


jessithompson said...

thank you for taking the time to write this post...

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi..I've loved reading about your paradigm shift and your tips for boosting my immune system!!
I want to put more of these into practice and be proactive about making decisions that are right for me and my health!

Love and hugs to you! I hope you're enjoying this delicious spring weather. Have a blessed Easter! Love Linda