Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My 1st flat tire!

Well I had almost 2 full Triathlon seasons under my belt with out a flat tire. I really don’t think the one I got in my driveway and took up to North Division Bike shop to let them fix should count. I think every single person that I have ever done a training ride with has had a flat tire and some twice. I was feeling so lucky every ride I went on this year, knowing that if I ran the numbers on the odds, my turn was bound to come up soon. I was heading out Hwy 395 for a 2:30 ride when ½ way up the 2nd big hill the beautiful hum of my rapidly spinning tire changed into a not so nice sound. My first thought was S - - t! Then I proceeded with the dismount, which was smooth and un-eventful, (only those of you who have ridden with me know why that is impressive) I got off my bike and said, o.k. Kathi let’s see what you've got!! I am pleased to report that my first tire change was complete in less than 12 minutes. My previous time was 22 minutes when I changed a flat for someone else who didn’t know how to change one! Thank goodness I took that Bike maintenance class that Robin teaches at Fitness Finatics!!


Anonymous said...

Very impressive my friend! I guess I'll have to take Robin's class so I'm prepared for when it's my turn.

Anonymous said...

Once again I forgot to sign my name - what a blonde! I'm sure there has to be some blonde in amongst the red strands! :-)

LORIE said...

Good for you. Now you're good for another season without a flat. . . .knock on wood.

jessithompson said...

That's my girl!

Anonymous said...

So who took the picture? Was Kevin along for the shoot?

You rock, Kathi!


Roger Thompson said...

Now you did no count that 12 minutes as part of your training time did you? Probably not because then it would have been a 1 hour tire change... like I would have done :) You are right, your ticket is eventually up. Wait until it happens in the winter when you cannot feel your fingers and the rubber on your tire is a solid as concrete... that's fun. But make sure that you are outside cel phone coverage on a road that you cannout pronounce. Did I mention freezing rain? Anyone wanna go for a ride?