Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thirteen Things I Struggle with

Somethings come easier than others. Literally somethings come so easy that it is almost as natural as breathing. They appear to require little or no energy and appear at all times to be effortless. What a blessing that is!

Then there are the things that seem require your most intense focus and energy and even on your best day they present themselves as a challenge.

There are definatley things in my life that I struggle with that cost me energy and cause me to doubt my selfself in the areas of balance and function.

As I face the daily demands of juggling the time demands on my day, of family, career, training and friends, I am constantly evaluating everything in regards to value and energy expenditure.

I am aware that the areas where I feel inadequate or not up to date or not functional cost me the most energy expenditure.

Here are 13 things that I struggle with and feel I need to work on:

1) Finding inspiration to clean my house

2) Being attentive to long distance correspondence

3) Finding time to read

4) Learning to tell a short story

5) Being interested in details

6) Learning about technology

7) Reading instructions

8) Honoring the fact that the male brain wants the bottom line when communicating

9) Learning how to tell a short story

10) Overcoming the fear of going fast in or on anything

11) Being optimistic 100% of the time internally

12) Being patient

13) Believing I am worthy of success in every area of my life

I know life is a journey and that 80% of what happens in my life is effected by my attitude.

I am choosing to be open and honest so that I may become mighty in spirit and march on to experience victory over my self professed weakensses.

My journey to Ironman has caused me to dig deep and truely evaluate not only what drives me but what defeats me as well. Only by admitting my weaknesses can I triumph and become victorious!

"When you do not tire within but seek the sweet satisfaction of your life and your work, you are doing what you were meant to be doing." Gary Zukav


Kim Herring said...

Just remember that those things that we don't do well will cost more metabolic energy than the things that come easily.

I love the fact that learning how to tell a short story is on the list twice. This is obviously something that you don't do well and you will need to be very careful in accomplishing this because it will definitely cost you more metabolic energy.....and possibly drive you crazy! We all know how you love to take a good story and make it better.

Love you!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi- Oh my gosh...are we alike or what ????!!!

Tell a short story...are you kidding??? I love Kim's comment "we all know how you love to take a good story and make it better". That statement could be on my tombstone!

Bert always says, "Linda will have a few well chosen thousand words on that topic" :)

Attention to detail...Yikes! I struggle with this daily.

Read the directions...holy cow!
I use the fly by the seat of your pants model!

This could be my list!! Jessi and Amy will have a great chuckle over this. I have a twin on this earth.

You are amazing and your authenticity made my day!

God Bless! Love You! Linda

Jen said...

I loved reading your list! Even though I'm only training for the Valley Girl, I feel like I struggle with the fear of..."Oh my gosh, can I really do this?" Thanks for the encouragement!
ps. I love the name you thought of for the Tri-Camp! Jessi shared it with me today! Can we get t-shirts made with the name on them?? I love it! :) Have a great day!

Roger Thompson said...

If you have trouble cleaning your house, you could always come over and clean ours? I don't know if that would help, but I thought I would throw it out there.

Struggles are what define us. Or rather how we choose to deal with them. If life was easy, it would be boring. You would not be able to yell at people, punch walls, realize you are wrong, and good things like that.

Anonymous said...

It looks as though you could add keeping up with my blog to the list. Maybe in place of the second trying to tell a shorter story.

Just kidding, you are an inspiration and i enjoy reading your blog.