Thursday, January 11, 2007

13 Hearfelt Thank You's!

There are 13 people who have blessed me and filled my cup to over flowing with meaningful words of encouragement and affirmation via comments on my Blog and to you I want to say a very Heartfelt Thank You! I appreciate you so much for taking the time and caring enough to bless my day and life.

1) Kim “Sisty Ugler” Ellis
2) Jessi “GG” Thompson
3) Roger “Coach” Thompson
4) Sam “Sammie” Picicci
5) Tim “Kris & Anna” Seppa
6) Linda “Adopted Mom” Salisbury
7) Patti “Gay” Evans
8) Josh “adopted but not really adopted son” Day
9) Rachael “FR True Friend” Michaels
10) Natalie “Nat” Gallagher
11) Sue “Starbucks Sue” Fegelman
12) Dave “my nice guy buddy” Lawrence
13) Farrell “Amy” Family



Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Dearest Kathi!
You are such a dear person with such a BIG heart!

Words of affirmation fill your cup, give you energy and give you HOPE!! (Ah.. how alike we are :)!!) And your pure gratitude is such a gift to all of us who love you and are SO proud of you, just for being you!

All of your hard, hard work in getting ready for Ironman is commendable. Your self-discipline, guts, courage, and dedication make me so proud of you!

But even more important than that to the heart of who you are as a person. You are a genuine feeler and every comment and kind word written, you have read carefully and preserved as a precious memory! You truly care that people take the time to write. And you write back thoughtful and loving responses to all of us!

So from my heart to yours..thank YOU! You are a treasure! God did GOOD when He made YOU! God Bless!Love, Linda

Kim Herring said...

every little fleeting dream of ours catches God's attention...and at the right time He will surprise us with fulfillment!!

I think God is very happy when he sees how grateful you are in your journey. And, I for one am grateful for your willingness to share your journey with the rest of us.

Posting comments on your blog is a pleasure as is reading every post.

Nat said...


I love you too!


jessithompson said...

Right back atcha, baby!

The Farrell Family said...

I'm so glad that the Lord has been able to use me to speak to your heart. He is good!

tak2lmt said...

Kathi,Sista to be. There is nothing I can say that you have never heard before. You are incredible.
Anytime,anywhere I will be there for you.