Thursday, March 29, 2007

Never Say Never ? ? ?

I know they say say that you should never say "NEVER"

Never the Less there are some things that I "NEVER" could do, would do & hope I never do!

1) Betray my husbands trust

2) Smoke

3) Lie to a family member or friend

4) Shoot an animal

5) Take illegal drugs

6) Purposely be mean or hurt someone

7) Get dentures

8) Deny my spiritual faith

9) Sky dive

10) Negatively affect any childs self esteem

11) Run for political office

12) Not be supportive of my children, no matter what

13) Betray my country


Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kathi-I love that you have such a strong sense of knowing who you are and that your values are rock solid!!!

You are someone who is dependable and your family and friends know who you really are and that they can count on you!!!

I think you can say never on some things and know in your heart that you will never go there!
Here are a few on my list:

I will never betray Bert's trust!

I will never stop loving my children, and I will always love them with my whole heart!

I will never stop loving my beautiful and wonderful grandchildren!

I will never stop missing my Mom and Dad!

I will never stop being grateful that God loves me and forgives me!

I will never take for granted the blessings of being in a country that's free!

I will never stop working on being a better person and all that God meant me to be!

I will never stop working on being a more tactful and better truth teller!

I will never stop being grateful to those people who truly know me and love me, just as I am, encourage and support me, and give me honest and loving feedback!

I will never stop being grateful to those people who have stuck by me through good times and bad!

I will never regret being born with one hand and all that blessing has taught me!

I will never regret that I have spent my career life as a teacher, as this has blessed my life and been my calling!

I will never count any moment of my life as lost or boring as I believe that every day is a miracle and should be lived as if it was my last!

Thannks for a thoought provoking post! Love, Linda

Kim Herring said...

Your determination and ability to stand up for what you believe are just a couple of the many reasons that I love you!