Monday, February 26, 2007

Digging Deep

When everything is going great your life seems fun and easy. You get up, you look forward to your day, you embrace it with optimism and enthusiasm, you sail through your routines, commitments, responsibilities and activities with ease and enjoyment. You’ve got a smile on your face, a song in your heart and pep to your step! Your conscious thoughts are focused on the fact that Life is Good! Those are the “Totally Awesome Days”! If our lives were perfect everyday would be like this, but that is not the reality in which we live.

The cruel reality is that not every day is perfect and some are so far from perfect that we cannot comprehend how we will get through them. These not so perfect days are the times when it can be so difficult to be grateful, joyous or keep the song going in our heart and the spirit of optimism in our attitude. Never the less they are the days that chisel out our character and make us who we are. Getting through those not so perfect days sometimes causes us to dig deep with in ourselves to call upon our inner strength and the character traits that define who we are.

The past couple of weeks I have found myself having to dig very deep to find motivation for many things. My energy stores have been so drained that even finding motivation to do simple household duties seemed to be overwhelming, let alone try to muster up the energy and motivation to fit in my 15 hours of Training for the week.

I have had to have a lot of talks with myself, digging deep inside me to find the strength I needed to make the hard choice to “start” a training session. I literally got tired of hearing myself say “come on Kathi, dig deep, you know it’s in there, dig deeper and find it”.

One day I was talking with my son Adam about “digging deep”. We were discussing what it means, what it takes, and what would cause someone to actually challenge them self in such a way. The next day Adam said to me “Mom, I know what it is that causes someone to dig deep, it’s DESIRE”. Then he asked me if I had a moment for him to read something to me. What follows is the poem that Adam wrote for me.

Oh what a desire
A curious, nefarious, singing thing
A no matter what the devil brings
A simply complex two faced sting
Burning o’er the pyre

Is it in the challenge
A dreary seldom seen time
A thought that all will be fine
A lust for poetic rhyme
Simply taking the plunge

Is it in the soul
A deep down tingling pain
A turgid wild hair to tame
A brief attempt to stave the rain
What is the end goal

Is it a feeling
A something made to perceive
A difference that does deceive
A prayer asking for reprieve
Floored to the ceiling

Oh this desire
A bring me back to life
A brief stiff wind at night
A Chance to see the light
A light from up higher


Thank you Adam for defining for me in such a positive way why I have chosen to "Dig Deep"


Kim Herring said...

Oh what a smart young man you have raised. Of course, I already knew that but this post has reinforced my thoughts.

As I have already told you....I have no doubt in my mind that all of your children will accomplish great things in their lives. Adam has had his share of trials and his desire has remained strong. Just remember that in order to become pure gold, all of the impurities need to be burned off and to become a sharp tool we need to be sharpened. I see the challenges that Adam has faced in recent years simply as a manifestation of a refining fire.

I know that for you as well it is a refining fire and your true self comes out when faced with a challenge. You have a deep desire to do your best in every aspect of your life and in order to become the best there are challenges and temptations that we have to endure.

Stay strong!

P.S. I'm glad I could help motivate you yesterday at the pool!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Dearest Kathi and Adam- Someone in one of my classes recently asked me this question- "what are the two hardest things you have been through and how did they shape you?"

This came from a young man, a husband and father of three, who is dying of brain cancer. He told me that getting out of bed, physically and emotionally, takes ALL he has. And, he said, there is no positive end to this story.

I told him the positive end to the story was the legacy of courage he was leaving his wife and children.

These awful times, these days that drain us...the unthinkably hard times...they do make us stop and ask.."How do I dig deep when I feel so empty?"

Adam, I think your poem speaks to the pilot light in us, our divibe abd sacred spirit, that refuses to be snuffed out. get well, desire to get up...desire to dig deep. May I share your poem with my student? I believe it would bring him comfort.

When I look back on some of the challenges that have come my way, I remember times of feeling that I couldn't see how this would turn out well. My poem, along with yours, would be about faith and hope! Those qualities, along with desire, have helped me to survive!

I love this picture of you both and pray for you both as you DIG DEEP during these challenging times!

God Bless! Love, Linda

jessithompson said...

Adam's poem is incredible... I've read it half a dozen times already.

I love you, GG.

Thank you for sharing the real journey.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathi, Kevin and Adam --
I feel sad/angry/hurt for your recent journey through the yellow, journalistic mire. Know that I have total confidence in the process and choices leading to Adam's being hired, and that it seems tragic to lose that chance to work together with his dad. It's too bad that the critics have so little curiosity and depth, and that their power can be so great at times!

I send you love and a smile of good cheer. I love the poem, Adam, and love the picture and healing that come through as you guys move on in love and dedication and determination to pursue quality.

I'm so proud of you all!

Tim Seppa

Anonymous said...


Thank you for all your inspiration!! I love your take time for your Health message. Thanks to enerprime and exercise I feel great again! Keep up the Good Work and soon you will be catching up to me "49"!!

I keep you in my Prayers daily for health and continued success.

Give the kids, and Kevin my love - hope to see you sometime soon.

Love ya, Lori Wangerin "Old Friend"

Anonymous said...
