Sunday, January 14, 2007

I "LOVE" Swimming

WoW! Did Kathi Best just say that?

Yes I did. I finally had an opportunity to use one of my Christmas gifts and it instantly transformed my feelings and attitude about swimming.

As I have shared before I use music to motivate myself to get started on all my run and cycle training sessions. I draw a lot of inspiration and energy from music. My journey to the pool however has always been a silent movie. I literally have to exercise all my will to drag my butt out the door and into the car, only to be bogged down by my haunting thoughts of dread!

For Christmas my son, Adam, set me up with equipment to be able to do my swim training sessions to music; what an awesome idea and an amazing gift to me.

H20 Audio makes waterproof headphones and a waterproof housing for iPod's. Adam got me an iPod shuffle and the waterproof technology to go with it. The speakers on the headset are designed for complete submersion and the sound quality is amazing.

The housing for the shuffle is waterproof down to 10 feet. Since the goal of a Triathlete swimmer is to be as hydrodynamic as possible, I doubt I will spend much time 10 feet underwater.

Music drives and motivates me and what a thrill it is for me now to be inspired for my swim training. I can only imagine how grateful I will be as I get into the longer distance swims that Ironman Distance requires. Thank you Adam, what a perfect gift for me.

Check it out at:


Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

I love the title of this post!! How far you have come!!!

Isn't it great to receive the "perfect gift" where someone really knows you and "gets" you?

Have fun swimming!! :)
God Bless! Love, Linda

Kim Herring said...

I know that you have struggled with the swim portion of your training and I'm VERY happy for you that Adam found the perfect gift to make your training easier.

Can I hear it if I swim in the same lane with you?

Anonymous said...

The iPod for the water - what an inspired idea for you. Adam remains your most "thoughtful" child...and following closely in your footsteps. We often want to participate more in our friends' lives, but our own lives catch up with us. This comment arena is wonderful to post our thoughts and wishes for you, particularly at this time of training. Thank you so much for tweaking Debbie, Mary Lois and I to "train" for the Valley Girls (Women in our case). We are grateful every day when we work out - should have a beautiful picture of you on the recumbent bike for more inspiration.