Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday Thirteen 10/5/06

Thirteen Things that inspire me!
1) Seeing someone passionate about anything
2) Loyalty
3) Anything in Nature
4) Authenticity
5) Patriotism
6) Any husband who adores his wife
7) Someone who triumphs over adversity
8) Understanding Brain Function, living it, honoring it
in others and seeing lives transformed by it.
9) Doing something I have never done before
10) Quality time with my family or a good friend
11) Watching Paisley dance
12) Watching how my three kids navigate through life
13) Uplifting and upbeat music


Kim Herring said...

You inspire me! Thank you for your encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Kathi- Seeing you become an amazing athlete inspires me! Thanks for sharing your list! Love, Linda

jessithompson said...

I second Kim... you inspire me!