Friday, August 25, 2006

Underpants Runs

The week before Ironman there is a full schedule of events from participant meetings, clinics, tradeshows, equipment check in, participant spaghetti feed, street dance, concerts, more meetings and of course the “Underpants Run”. This is an Ironman fundraiser for Junior Development

Roger kept egging Jessi and me on about doing the “Underpants Run”, telling us of the time he observed this race in Kona and what a riot it was. Jessi and I were tempted to do the race but knew that we had a 1hour 40minute run scheduled for the day, but after some creative processing, we rationalized that if we did the “Underpants Fun Run” that we could deduct that time from our long run time for the day, that was all the motivation we needed, great idea we thought! O.K. we are psyched and ready to go for the “Underpants Run” , until we realized that neither one of us would be willing to do the run with the underwear we had in our suitcases! Oh No! it is 9pm, would there possibly be anywhere open this time of night that would have underwear that we would be comfortable wearing? YES! We scored at a local Drug store, Game on!

The race started at 8:30am at Starbucks! Jessi and I arrived in our sweats. As we surveyed the crowd of over 200 people we slowly got up the courage to take off the sweats and expose our race uniform! Yes we were giggling, it was a hilarious sight, the race gun went off and the mass of underpants runners ran through downtown, through the Lake Side Resort, down the beach and back through the city streets to Starbucks. We laughed the whole way, from nerves, from the idea that we were in our underwear, from looking at all the different underwear, all the different bodies. At the finish we were a bit freaked out and we couldn’t decide if it was because we actually participated or that in the end we were actually beginning to feel comfortable in our underwear!!!

P.S. You can click on the picture to enlarge it. :-)


LORIE said...

You two are Crazy. . . . !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you didn't pick up those two guys from a strip club somewhere? They look like chipndale dancers.

Honestly, it looks like you had a great time while in Canada making lasting memories with great friends.

I look forward to the next post. :-)

jessithompson said...

Love this memory... especially Emma stripping down before the start of the run. She wasn't going to be left out! Glad we didn't chicken out ;)